I’m trying to install searchguard on my elasticsearch 2.2 but I’m not able to restart ES:
I get this error
No such keystore file /Users/carlosvega/elastic/elasticsearch-2.2.0/config
I don’t need ssl, just authentication with different users and roles. How can I properly install search guard ?
Thanks in advance,
in order for SG2 to work, installation and usage of SearchGuard SSL is mandatory. SG2 does not work without it. For example, the SSL layer makes sure that only trusted nodes can join the cluster. Without SSL, there are a lot of attack scenarios which would render plain authentication (nearly) useless. That’s why we decided to make SSL mandatory. Please have a look at SearchGuard SSL, the sources also contain example scripts to generate certificates and set up key- and truststores.
Jochen Kressin
Jochen Kressin
floragunn UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Tempelhofer Ufer 16
10963 Berlin
Geschäftsführung: Claudia Kressin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 147010
USt-IdNr.: DE287373363
Am Freitag, 26. Februar 2016 13:44:46 UTC-3 schrieb Carlos Vega Moreno:
I’m trying to install searchguard on my elasticsearch 2.2 but I’m not able to restart ES:
I get this error
No such keystore file /Users/carlosvega/elastic/elasticsearch-2.2.0/config
I don’t need ssl, just authentication with different users and roles. How can I properly install search guard ?
Thanks in advance,