Difference between free and paid version


In search guard doc I can see paid version is also available. What is the difference between normal and paid version?



Search Guard Enterprise is a commercial product subject to subscription fees. If you
decide to run Search Guard in production you need to obtain a license.
Apart from that - we have a dual license policy - you can have basic security for your production cluster using our Community edition. Our Search Guard Enterprise modules support many of the common authorisation and authentication solutions, audit logging and multi tenancy.
The Community edition is free and provides solid protection for your Elasticsearch cluster, because we believe basic protection is better than no protection!
Our two licenses differ in the number of security modules included. For a detailed list please have a look at the comparison table on our product page: Licensing | Search Guard Community, Enterprise and Compliance Edition.

Thanks for your question, I hope this answer helps,

-- Urs Armbruster
Community Manager
floragunn GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 16
10963 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 147010
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