Why does auth still work after deleting the sg index?

Using 6.3.2, with community edition-2.
Why can users still interact with ES after deleting the searchguard index?

How did you delete the SG index? Manually with an admin cert, or with sgadmin?

This is most probably due to caching. Purging the cache with the -rl option should do the trick here. You can also specify the cache TTL:



On Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 11:02:07 AM UTC+2, Fabien Wernli wrote:

Using 6.3.2, with community edition-2.
Why can users still interact with ES after deleting the searchguard index?

with sgadmin, following the 5.6.x → 6.y upgrade documentation

Ok, that’s strange then. Maybe the caches are not automatically flushed when deleting the index. Do you mind opening a ticket on GitHub for this? Thanks!


On Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 4:12:47 PM UTC+2, Fabien Wernli wrote:

with sgadmin, following the 5.6.x → 6.y upgrade documentation