I have spent almost 3 days in trying to get SearchGuard work inside our cluster. I generated the default certificates using the example.sh
provided in search-guard-ssl-5.5.0
. I copied 3 files to my /etc/elasticsearch/
directory and they are as follows:
- truststore.jks
- keystore.jks (renamed from original node-1-keystore.jks generated by example.sh)
- kirk-keystore.jks
All these 3 files are owned byelasticsearch
user on my node.
*** Please note I use elasticsearch as a service and my configuration files are picked up from /etc/elasticsearch directory. Running install_demo_configuration script also places the .jks files in the same directory. ***
My /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
looks like this:
cluster.name: elasticsearch_dev
node.name: myNode1
path.conf: "/etc/elasticsearch"
path.logs: "/var/log/elasticsearch"
- myNode2
- myNode3
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
http.cors.allow-methods : OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
http.cors.allow-headers : X-Requested-With,X-Auth-Token,Content-Type,Content-Length
http.detailed_errors.enabled : true
######## Start Search Guard Demo Configuration ########
searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath: keystore.jks
searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: false
searchguard.ssl.http.enabled: true
searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_filepath: keystore.jks
searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
- CN=kirk,OU=client,O=client,L=test, C=de
######## End Search Guard Demo Configuration ########
Finally, I run the sgadmin
command as follows and it does not ever find my cluster.
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/search-guard-5/sgconfig
../../search-guard-5/tools/sgadmin.sh --accept-red-cluster -ks /etc/elasticsearch/kirk-keystore.jks -ts /etc/elasticsearch/truststore.jks -icl -nhnv
WARNING: JAVA_HOME not set, will use /bin/java
Search Guard Admin v5
Will connect to localhost:9300 ... done
### LICENSE NOTICE Search Guard ###
If you use one or more of the following features in production
make sure you have a valid Search Guard license
(See https://floragunn.com/searchguard-validate-license)
* Kibana Multitenancy
* LDAP authentication/authorization
* Active Directory authentication/authorization
* REST Management API
* JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication/authorization
* Kerberos authentication/authorization
* Document- and Fieldlevel Security (DLS/FLS)
* Auditlogging
In case of any doubt mail to <sales@floragunn.com>
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Contacting elasticsearch cluster 'elasticsearch' ...
Cannot retrieve cluster state due to: null. This is not an error, will keep on trying ...
* Try running sgadmin.sh with -icl (but no -cl) and -nhnv (If thats works you need to check your clustername as well as hostnames in your SSL certificates)
* Make also sure that your keystore or cert is a client certificate (not a node certificate) and configured properly in elasticsearch.yml
* If this is not working, try running sgadmin.sh with --diagnose and see diagnose trace log file)
* Add --accept-red-cluster to allow sgadmin to operate on a red cluster.