New release: Search Guard 52 for Elasticsearch 7.13.x and 7.10.2

Now available: Search Guard 52, the next major Search Guard release.

Search Guard 52 brings security bug fixes, improvements for Document Level Security and for OIDC and JWT-based authentication.

Support for Term Lookup Queries in Document Level Security

Term Lookup Queries (TLQ) allow you to retrieve values from one document and use these values for a term query on a different index. This can be useful in document-level security where administrators can then have a separate index that defines which users have access to which documents.

Search Guard 52 allows you to use term lookup queries in document-level security queries.

JWT and OIDC: Proper support for subject_path queries which return arrays

In earlier versions of Search Guard, subject_path queries that return arrays result in a subject (i.e., user name) in square brackets. This is usually not the desired result. Instead, the authenticators supporting subject_path now implement a more useful handling by extracting the first element from an array.

Security bug fixes

Search Guard 52 fixes a number of important security issues. Check the release notes for details. We are also releasing the security bug fixes as a patch release for older versions of Search Guard.

You can find the full changelogs here:

You can find all versions here:

Search Guard Version Matrix

As always, we appreciate your feedback, questions, and feature requests here on the forum.

Many greetings from the Search Guard team

Search Guard (®) is an Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, and authorization.

Coded with love in Berlin, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine and the US.

Search Guard is a trademark of floragunn GmbH, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.

Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.

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