Kibana is not logging in with no errors

  • Search Guard and Elasticsearch version

Search Guard - 6.6.1-24.1

Elasticsearch - 6.6.1

  • JVM version and operating system version

Java - 1.8.0_181

OS - Amazon Linux AMI release 2018.03

  • Search Guard configuration files


elasticsearch.hosts: https://elasticsearch.fqdn:9200

elasticsearch.password: ********

elasticsearch.preserveHost: true

elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000

elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 0

elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: “/etc/ssl/certs/rootca.pem”

elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

elasticsearch.username: kibanaserver

kibana.defaultAppId: discover

kibana.index: “.kibana-6”

searchguard.auth.type: basicauth true

server.port: ‘5601’

xpack.graph.enabled: false false

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true false

xpack.spaces.enabled: false

xpack.watcher.enabled: false


  • Elasticsearch log messages on debug level

Attachment - kibana.json

  • Other installed Elasticsearch or Kibana plugins, if any

Kibana - 6.6.1-1

Kibana SearchGuard - searchguard@6.6.1-18.1

I am trying to install ELK 6.6.1 with lastest version Searchguard on the set of new instances. After the successful installation, I am unable to login to kibana with no error messages and comes back to the login screen.

Going through the kibana logs, it just loops on 304 and come back to login page again.

I could able to search and query to the elasticsearch with no problem.

[root@elasticsearch1-amazon-i-089930a747c87327f elasticsearch]# curl -u kibanaserver:******* -X GET “https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices/.kiba*?v&s=index

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size

green open .kibana-6_7 O-PN-nYaQJK5q_Mfqzgyfw 1 0 0 0 261b 261b


kibana.json (37.3 KB)

Hi there,

I believe this is caused by combining the following option with trying to access Kibana over http:// instead of https:// true


Browsers that support the secure flag don’t send cookies over http connections.

Looking at your logs it seems like you’re accessing Kibana via http://?

Hope this helps!



On Thursday, 28 February 2019 17:48:54 UTC+1, Gopi Saba wrote:

  • Search Guard and Elasticsearch version

Search Guard - 6.6.1-24.1

Elasticsearch - 6.6.1

  • JVM version and operating system version

Java - 1.8.0_181

OS - Amazon Linux AMI release 2018.03

  • Search Guard configuration files


elasticsearch.hosts: https://elasticsearch.fqdn:9200

elasticsearch.password: ********

elasticsearch.preserveHost: true

elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000

elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 0

elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: “/etc/ssl/certs/rootca.pem”

elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

elasticsearch.username: kibanaserver

kibana.defaultAppId: discover

kibana.index: “.kibana-6”

searchguard.auth.type: basicauth true

server.port: ‘5601’

xpack.graph.enabled: false false

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true false

xpack.spaces.enabled: false

xpack.watcher.enabled: false


  • Elasticsearch log messages on debug level

Attachment - kibana.json

  • Other installed Elasticsearch or Kibana plugins, if any

Kibana - 6.6.1-1

Kibana SearchGuard - searchguard@6.6.1-18.1

I am trying to install ELK 6.6.1 with lastest version Searchguard on the set of new instances. After the successful installation, I am unable to login to kibana with no error messages and comes back to the login screen.

Going through the kibana logs, it just loops on 304 and come back to login page again.

I could able to search and query to the elasticsearch with no problem.

[root@elasticsearch1-amazon-i-089930a747c87327f elasticsearch]# curl -u kibanaserver:******* -X GET “https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices/.kiba*?v&s=index

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size

green open .kibana-6_7 O-PN-nYaQJK5q_Mfqzgyfw 1 0 0 0 261b 261b


yay!! that was it.
Disabling the secure cookie and accessing kibana with http worked for me.

Thanks for the help


On Saturday, 2 March 2019 14:36:36 UTC, Mike wrote:

Hi there,

I believe this is caused by combining the following option with trying to access Kibana over http:// instead of https:// true


Browsers that support the secure flag don’t send cookies over http connections.

Looking at your logs it seems like you’re accessing Kibana via http://?

Hope this helps!


On Thursday, 28 February 2019 17:48:54 UTC+1, Gopi Saba wrote:

  • Search Guard and Elasticsearch version

Search Guard - 6.6.1-24.1

Elasticsearch - 6.6.1

  • JVM version and operating system version

Java - 1.8.0_181

OS - Amazon Linux AMI release 2018.03

  • Search Guard configuration files


elasticsearch.hosts: https://elasticsearch.fqdn:9200

elasticsearch.password: ********

elasticsearch.preserveHost: true

elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000

elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 0

elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: “/etc/ssl/certs/rootca.pem”

elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

elasticsearch.username: kibanaserver

kibana.defaultAppId: discover

kibana.index: “.kibana-6”

searchguard.auth.type: basicauth true

server.port: ‘5601’

xpack.graph.enabled: false false

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true false

xpack.spaces.enabled: false

xpack.watcher.enabled: false


  • Elasticsearch log messages on debug level

Attachment - kibana.json

  • Other installed Elasticsearch or Kibana plugins, if any

Kibana - 6.6.1-1

Kibana SearchGuard - searchguard@6.6.1-18.1

I am trying to install ELK 6.6.1 with lastest version Searchguard on the set of new instances. After the successful installation, I am unable to login to kibana with no error messages and comes back to the login screen.

Going through the kibana logs, it just loops on 304 and come back to login page again.

I could able to search and query to the elasticsearch with no problem.

[root@elasticsearch1-amazon-i-089930a747c87327f elasticsearch]# curl -u kibanaserver:******* -X GET “https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices/.kiba*?v&s=index

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size

green open .kibana-6_7 O-PN-nYaQJK5q_Mfqzgyfw 1 0 0 0 261b 261b
