Search Guard and Elasticsearch version: ES: 5.4.0, SG: 5:5.4.0-15
Installed and used enterprise modules, if any: Using the 60 day trial Enterprise version
JVM version and operating system version: Windows Version 1709 (Windows 10), JDK 1.8.0_161
Other installed Elasticsearch or Kibana plugins, if any: No other installed plugins
I am aware that the demo certificates for Search Guard 5.4.0 have expired and we are using PEM certificates for the latest versions. However, we are running some services on Elasticsearch 5.4.0 and therefore need valid demo certificates to test Search Guard with our ES instance. I have provided details about my configuration below:
elasticsearch.yml file:
searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath: keystore.jks
searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: false
searchguard.ssl.http.enabled: true
searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_filepath: keystore.jks
searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
- CN=kirk,OU=client,O=client,L=test, C=de
cluster.name: searchguard_demo
Command I am running in command prompt to start sgadmin:
sgadmin.bat -cd C:\Users\prati\Desktop\Elastic5.4\elasticsearch-5.4.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig -icl -nhnv -ts C:\Users\prati\Desktop\Elastic5.4\elasticsearch-5.4.0\config\truststore.jks -ks C:\Users\prati\Desktop\Elastic5.4\elasticsearch-5.4.0\config\keystore.jks – diagnose
Attached Generated Diagnose file.
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