I have changed the config file sg_roles.yml
and the sg_roles_mapping.yml:
- kirk
and in the kibana.yml, i added the entries
elasticsearch.username: “kibanaserver”
elasticsearch.password: “kibanaserver”
And with the command curl -XGET -u kirk:kirk “*?pretty” , i can get what i want.
But when i access the kibana with the “kirk”, i got the errors as follow:
Courier Fetch Error: unhandled courier request error: unknown error
Error: unhandled courier request error: unknown error
at handleError ([]( )
at DocRequest.AbstractReqProvider.AbstractReq.handleFailure ([]( )
at [](
at Array.forEach (native)
at [](
at processQueue ([]( )
at [](
at Scope.$eval ([]( )
at Scope.$digest ([]( )
at Scope.$apply ([](
What’t more, i can access the kibana with the “admin”.
Can you tell me where did i miss?