Unauthorized - Authentication Exception - Kibana

Hello Guys,

I lost a lot of time configuring this tool. I have no idea anymore. Thank you for your help.

I cannot login to kibana, I get the message

error “Unauthorized”
message "Authentication Exception.

I use the non-commercial (community) version.
I would like to log into kibana but manage permissions, roles and users in sg files.

Please take a look at my settings.


    - hr_department
    - devops
    - andrew


  hash: "$2y$12$zvrFonvRECTSN6Fo0tZn1OlyPjd0D.nGFcmgJz1DKtL4ZEl1yPFlm"
  reserved: false
  - "sg_devops"
  description: "Devops user full access"


    - index_patterns:
      - "infrastructure"
        - SGS_ALL_ACCESS



# For more details pls refer to  https://docs.search-guard.com/latest/authentication-authorization

  type: "config"
  config_version: 2

      # Set filtered_alias_mode to 'disallow' to forbid more than 2 filtered aliases per index
      # Set filtered_alias_mode to 'warn' to allow more than 2 filtered aliases per index but warns about it (default)
      # Set filtered_alias_mode to 'nowarn' to allow more than 2 filtered aliases per index silently
      #filtered_alias_mode: warn
      #do_not_fail_on_forbidden: false
        # Kibana multitenancy - NOT FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE
        # In addition to the config options below you need to set do_not_fail_on_forbidden to true (see above).
        # Kibana needs to be configured for multi tenancy as well.
        # See https://docs.search-guard.com/latest/kibana-multi-tenancy for details
        #multitenancy_enabled: true
        #server_username: kibanaserver
        #index: '.kibana'
        anonymous_auth_enabled: false
          enabled: false
          internalProxies: '192\.168\.0\.10|192\.168\.0\.11' # regex pattern
          #internalProxies: '.*' # trust all internal proxies, regex pattern
          #remoteIpHeader:  'x-forwarded-for'
          ###### see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html for regex help
          ###### more information about XFF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Forwarded-For
          ###### and here https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239
          ###### and https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/config/valve.html#Remote_IP_Valve
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
          order: 6
            type: kerberos # NOT FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE
            challenge: true
              # If true a lot of kerberos/security related debugging output will be logged to standard out
              krb_debug: false
              # If true then the realm will be stripped from the user name
              strip_realm_from_principal: true
            type: noop
          description: "Authenticate via HTTP Basic against internal users database"
          http_enabled: true
          transport_enabled: true
          order: 4
            type: basic
            challenge: false
            type: internal
          description: "Authenticate via proxy"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
          order: 3
            type: proxy
            challenge: false
              user_header: "x-proxy-user"
              roles_header: "x-proxy-roles"
            type: noop
          description: "Authenticate via Json Web Token"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
          order: 0
            type: jwt
            challenge: false
              signing_key: "base64 encoded HMAC key or public RSA/ECDSA pem key"
              jwt_header: "Authorization"
              jwt_url_parameter: null
              roles_key: null
              subject_key: null
            type: noop
          description: "Authenticate via SSL client certificates"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
          order: 2
            type: clientcert
              username_attribute: cn #optional, if omitted DN becomes username
            challenge: false
            type: noop
          description: "Authenticate via LDAP or Active Directory"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
          order: 5
            type: basic
            challenge: false
            # LDAP authentication backend (authenticate users against a LDAP or Active Directory)
            type: ldap # NOT FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE
              # enable ldaps
              enable_ssl: false
              # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
              enable_start_tls: false
              # send client certificate
              enable_ssl_client_auth: false
              # verify ldap hostname
              verify_hostnames: true
                - localhost:8389
              bind_dn: null
              password: null
              userbase: 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
              # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
              # {0} is substituted with the username
              usersearch: '(sAMAccountName={0})'
              # Use this attribute from the user as username (if not set then DN is used)
              username_attribute: null
          description: "Authorize via LDAP or Active Directory"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
            # LDAP authorization backend (gather roles from a LDAP or Active Directory, you have to configure the above LDAP authentication backend settings too)
            type: ldap # NOT FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE
              # enable ldaps
              enable_ssl: false
              # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
              enable_start_tls: false
              # send client certificate
              enable_ssl_client_auth: false
              # verify ldap hostname
              verify_hostnames: true
                - localhost:8389
              bind_dn: null
              password: null
              rolebase: 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
              # Filter to search for roles (currently in the whole subtree beneath rolebase)
              # {0} is substituted with the DN of the user
              # {1} is substituted with the username
              # {2} is substituted with an attribute value from user's directory entry, of the authenticated user. Use userroleattribute to specify the name of the attribute
              rolesearch: '(member={0})'
              # Specify the name of the attribute which value should be substituted with {2} above
              userroleattribute: null
              # Roles as an attribute of the user entry
              userrolename: disabled
              #userrolename: memberOf
              # The attribute in a role entry containing the name of that role, Default is "name".
              # Can also be "dn" to use the full DN as rolename.
              rolename: cn
              # Resolve nested roles transitive (roles which are members of other roles and so on ...)
              resolve_nested_roles: true
              userbase: 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
              # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
              # {0} is substituted with the username
              usersearch: '(uid={0})'
              # Skip users matching a user name, a wildcard or a regex pattern
              #  - 'cn=Michael Jackson,ou*people,o=TEST'
              #  - '/\S*/'
          description: "Authorize via another Active Directory"
          http_enabled: false
          transport_enabled: false
            type: ldap # NOT FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE
            #config goes here ...
  #    auth_failure_listeners:
  #      ip_rate_limiting:
  #        type: ip
  #        allowed_tries: 10
  #        time_window_seconds: 3600
  #        block_expiry_seconds: 600
  #        max_blocked_clients: 100000
  #        max_tracked_clients: 100000
  #      internal_authentication_backend_limiting:
  #        type: username
  #        authentication_backend: intern
  #        allowed_tries: 10
  #        time_window_seconds: 3600
  #        block_expiry_seconds: 600
  #        max_blocked_clients: 100000
  #        max_tracked_clients: 100000


#elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: "/etc/kibana/out/root-ca.pem"

# Activate basic auth
searchguard.auth.type: "basicauth"
# Configure session management
searchguard.cookie.password: "jytdeo5od957amfi48fp78oe6l8046d690gr4436yil98up9843"
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [ "Authorization", "sgtenant" ]

elasticsearch.username: "kibanaserver"
elasticsearch.password: "kibanaserver"


Couple of questions.

Are you able to login using the default admin:admin user?

Is the kibanaserver user still present or was it removed during testing? can you run below command and paste the result here:

curl --insecure -u kibanauser:kibanauser -XGET "https://localhost:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty"

Can you run the same command with user “andrew”?

During testing, would be good idea to disable certificate on kibana:

elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

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I have user admin and kibanaserver.

I tried to log in with them now via admin or kibanaserver after disabling SSL verification. I still get a 401 error

statusCode 401
error “Unauthorized”
message “Authentication Exception”

curl --insecure -kibanaserver:kibanaserver -XGET “https://master-1.elastic.petty.pl:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

Authentication finally failed[r

curl --insecure -admin:admin -XGET “https://master-1.elastic.petty.pl:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty

 "error" : "Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported",
 "status" : 406

sorry, should read -u kibanaserver:kibanaserver, so full command:

curl --insecure -u kibanauser:kibanauser -XGET “https://localhost:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty

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Same problem.




$ curl --insecure -u admin:admin -XGET "https://master-1.elastic.petty.pl:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty"
  "user" : "User [name=admin, backend_roles=[admin], requestedTenant=null]",
  "user_name" : "admin",
  "user_requested_tenant" : null,
  "remote_address" : "51.75.34:XX:55246",
  "backend_roles" : [
  "custom_attribute_names" : [ ],
  "sg_roles" : [
  "sg_tenants" : {
    "admin_tenant" : true,
    "admin" : true,
    "SGS_GLOBAL_TENANT" : true
  "principal" : null,
  "peer_certificates" : "0",
  "sso_logout_url" : null

Can you paste the same (authinfo) output for users kibanaserver and andrew? Also, what is roles.yml file? There should be no such file in config directory, do you mean sg_roles_mapping.yml? Please check the file name and reupload the config using sgadmin.sh script.

Also can you provide elasticsearch.yml config.

Also, can you paste the full logs from kibana and logs from elasticsearch after the login attempt.

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Thank you for your help. Thanks to your comment I verified everything and corrected it. Now I know which files to edit.

But my problem was with another askept.

I had custom authorization in apache web server (BASIC AUTH). It was a blocker. Because after entering the link I logged in via Basic Auth and then tried to log in to Kibana and got an error with invalid authorization.

In the Elasticsearch logs, I found the logs that showed me the user who was incorrectly trying to log in to Kibana. It was a user from BASIC AUTH… I had a BASIC AUTH user with the same name as the Kibana user (andrew). That is why I could not trace the error.

I removed my custom secure BASIC AUTH from WWW server and logging in via kibana user andrew worked. Your help was also helpful as I corrected my yml configuration and it is clear to me.

Everything is working. Thank you.

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