I’ve trying to use offline TLS Generator to generate certificates. But it is not generating key store for me. What can I do to generate keystore files. Below are the configurations I’m passing to the sgtlstool.
Self-generated certificate authority
If you want to create a new certificate authority, you must specify its parameters here.
You can skip this section if you only want to create CSRs
# The distinguished name of this CA. You must specify a distinguished name.
# example: dn: CN=root.ca.example.com,OU=CA,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com
dn: CN=Imanami.ca.example.com,OU=CA,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com
# The size of the generated key in bits
keysize: 2048
# The validity of the generated certificate in days from now
validityDays: 7500
# Password for private key
# Possible values:
# - auto: automatically generated password, returned in config output;
# - none: unencrypted private key;
# - other values: other values are used directly as password
pkPassword: auto
# The name of the generated files can be changed here
file: Imanami-ca.pem
# If you have a certificate revocation list, you can specify its distribution points here
# crlDistributionPoints: URI:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/floragunncom/unittest-assets/master/revoked.crl
If you want to use an intermediate certificate as signing certificate,
please specify its parameters here. This is optional. If you remove this section,
the root certificate will be used for signing.
# The distinguished name of this CA. You must specify a distinguished name.
# example: dn: CN=root.ca.example.com,OU=CA,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com
dn: CN=signing.ca.example.com,OU=CA,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com
# The size of the generated key in bits
keysize: 2048
# The validity of the generated certificate in days from now
validityDays: 7500
pkPassword: auto
# If you have a certificate revocation list, you can specify its distribution points here
crlDistributionPoints: URI:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/floragunncom/unittest-assets/master/revoked.crl
Default values and global settings
# The validity of the generated certificate in days from now
validityDays: 7500
# Password for private key
# Possible values:
# - auto: automatically generated password, returned in config output;
# - none: unencrypted private key;
# - other values: other values are used directly as password
pkPassword: auto
# Specifies to recognize legitimate nodes by the distinguished names
# of the certificates. This can be a list of DNs, which can contain wildcards.
# Furthermore, it is possible to specify regular expressions by
# enclosing the DN in //.
# Specification of this is optional. The tool will always include
# the DNs of the nodes specified in the nodes section.
# Examples:
# - "CN=*.example.com,OU=Ops,O=Example Com\\, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com"
# - 'CN=node.other.com,OU=SSL,O=Test,L=Test,C=DE'
# - 'CN=*.example.com,OU=SSL,O=Test,L=Test,C=DE'
# - 'CN=elk-devcluster*'
# - '/CN=.*regex/'
# nodesDn:
# If you want to use OIDs to mark legitimate node certificates,
# the OID can be included in the certificates by specifying the following
# attribute
# nodeOid: ""
# The length of auto generated passwords
generatedPasswordLength: 12
# Set this to true in order to generate config and certificates for
# the HTTP interface of nodes
httpsEnabled: true
# Set this to true in order to re-use the node transport certificates
# for the HTTP interfaces. Only recognized if httpsEnabled is true
# reuseTransportCertificatesForHttp: false
# Set this to true to enable hostname verification
#verifyHostnames: false
# Set this to true to resolve hostnames
#resolveHostnames: false
# Use elliptic curves instead of RSA, Default is false.
#useEllipticCurves: true
# The curve to be used (default is NIST P-384)
#ellipticCurve: secp256k1
# Signature algorithm (for RSA default is SHA256withRSA, for EC its SHA256withECDSA)
#signatureAlgorithm: SHA512withRSA
Specify the nodes of your ES cluster here
# The node name is just used as name of the generated files
name: Imanami
dn: CN=Imanami.example.com,OU=Ops,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=comDNS names of this node. Several names can be specified as list
- node1.example.com
- node1.exampleinc.com
The IP addresses of this node. Several addresses can be specified as list
If you want to override the keysize, pkPassword or validityDays values from
the defaults, just specify them here.
Specify the clients that shall access your ES cluster with certificate authentication here
At least one client must be an admin user (i.e., a super-user). Admin users can
be specified with the attribute admin: true
# The client name is just used as name of the generated files
name: demouser
dn: CN=demouser.example.com,OU=Ops,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com -
name: sgadmin
dn: CN=sgadmin.example.com,OU=Ops,O=Example Com, Inc.,DC=example,DC=com
admin: trueTo mark the client as super-user
admin: true
If you want to override the keysize, pkPassword or validityDays values from
the defaults, just specify them here.