Guys I’ve successfully configured Searchguard and deployed it, and it is working fine on most of the systems but on few while initializing it failed with these errors:
Log Entry : 4:26:26 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
Contacting elasticsearch cluster ‘elasticsearch’ and wait for YELLOW clusterstate …
Log Entry : 4:31:20 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
ERR: Timed out while waiting for a green or yellow cluster state.
Log Entry : 4:31:20 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
- Try running with -icl (but no -cl) and -nhnv (If thats works you need to check your clustername as well as hostnames in your SSL certificates)
Log Entry : 4:31:21 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
- Make also sure that your keystore or cert is a client certificate (not a node certificate) and configured properly in elasticsearch.yml
Log Entry : 4:31:21 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
- If this is not working, try running with --diagnose and see diagnose trace log file)
Log Entry : 4:31:22 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\tools\sgadmin.bat -cd “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\plugins\search-guard-5\sgconfig” -ts “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\truststore.jks” -tspass d6e288f1dc039bc965f7 -ks “C:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 8.0\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-5.5.0\config\CN=sgadmin-keystore.jks” -kspass 52fe5fd4b3affc0ed7fa -nhnv
- Add --accept-red-cluster to allow sgadmin to operate on a red cluster.
Log Entry : 4:31:22 PM Friday, August 25, 2017:
ExecuteCommand ExitCode: -1
On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 9:29:58 AM UTC+5, Ahmad Bukhari wrote:
Thank you Armbruster for your help i updated kibana.yml file and everything is perfectly on track, and sorry for late reply. 
On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 10:51:44 PM UTC+5, Urs wrote:
Hello Ahmad,
this is a reply to your ‘slight issue’ subsequently showing after your changes according to the answer from Jochen below:
There is a slight issue now, after injecting SSL configuration in elasticsearch.yml kibana is not able to authenticate user. I’ve attached the screen shot. Please have a look.
According to the screenshot you added it looks like there is no communication between Search Guard and Kibana.
This may happen due to several reasons, see for details.
Most likely that error is related to your configuration with TLS.
Please check your elasticsearch URL in your kibana.yml file:
if you use TLS on the Elasticsearch REST layer, you need to configure Kibana accordingly.
Make sure you set the protocol on the entry elasticsearch.url to https:
elasticsearch.url: “https://localhost:9200”
Please cross check your elasticsearch.yml and your kibana.yml files:
if you set ssl enabled true for elasticsearch, kibana has to have https configured as well, otherwise,
If you can not find the non-matching piece, please post your complete elasticsearch.yml and your kibana.yml file
Thanks for your question, I hope this answer helps,
regards, Urs.
Urs Armbruster
Community Manager
floragunn GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 16
10963 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 147010
USt-IdNr.: DE287373363
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On Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 11:08:09 AM UTC+2, Ahmad Bukhari wrote:
I’ve tried to conficure Search Guard on windows 10 and every thing went almost perfectly. Now when I hit http://localhost:9200 it ask me for user name and password and when i provide admin, admin it work perfectly.
But the issue are:
1: I want to run elastic search on https not on http but it’s still on http how can i move it to https.
2: I’m not able to use it thorugh Kibana it shows Authentication Failed even i updated kibana.yml.
3: How can i change username and password.