Search Guard FLX 1.3.0 has been released

Hi all,

we have just released Search Guard FLX 1.3.0, which contains a lot of enhancements, bug fixes, and new features!

Based on your feedback and input, we have extended the Audit Log feature, which is now capable of capturing additional events and fields, for example:

There are enhancements for Signals, our Alerting solution for Elasticsearch, as well:

We also fixed some issues regarding configuration handling, Kibana authentication, Signals, and LDAP connection pooling. For details, please see the Release Notes:

As always, all releases are listed on our version matrix page

Thanks for all your support, feedback, and input!

Search Guard (®) is an Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, authorization, and alerting.

Coded with love in Berlin, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Ireland, and the US.

Search Guard is a trademark of floragunn GmbH, registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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