We are glad to announce an important milestone towards the next generation of Search Guard.
Today, we are releasing a new Search Guard technical preview: TP3; it brings a number of important and fundamental improvements:
- Support for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards
- Completely new approach for configuring authentication. The new configuration format is more coherent, more predictable and much more powerful. Simple setups require very little configuration; very complex setups are possible by straight-forward configuration. If something goes wrong, Search Guard provides extensive error messages and diagnostic information.
- New session-based login for Dashboards/Kibana - fixing lots of outstanding issues with Kibana login and cookies
- New easy-to-use and lightweight command line administration tool for Search Guard
For download links and documentation go here: https://docs.search-guard.com/tech-preview/
Please note: This technical preview is a pre-release version; it should be thus not used for production systems.
For a quick local test on a Linux or MacOS system, we also offer new demo scripts. Just download one of these scripts and run them. These will automatically all components you need and configure them ready for start:
See also the docs on the demo installation scripts.
Note: Due to limited packaging choices of OpenSearch, the demo installer script for OpenSearch right now only works for Linux. The Elasticsearch scripts works for MacOS and Linux.
We are planning to release a general availability version soon. Still, We are eager to hear your feedback! Now is the best chance to make your voice heard and have your suggestions and feedback incorporated into the product. So, if you encounter any problems, or if you have suggestions or other feedback on the functionality, go ahead and share it on the available channels:
Many greetings from the Search Guard team
Search Guard (®) is an Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, and authorization.
Coded with love in Berlin, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine and the US.
Search Guard is a trademark of floragunn GmbH, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.
Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.