sg: 6.2.2 ; elasticsearch: 6.2.2 ; kibana: 6.2.2 ; debian 9.4 ; jvm 8
elasticsearch.yml, kibana.yml and the .pem file for the vm running kibana attached
no other elasticsearch or kibana plugins are installed
I am trying to implement searchguard in an elasticsearch-cluster of three data nodes and one client-only node that also runs kibana and nginx as a proxy to kibana.
With my current configuration I was able to use sgadmin to build the initial searchguard index, so the elasticsearch communication between all the nodes seems to work.
However - Kibana, for some reason, won’t connect to the cluster. This is the message on kibana webfrontend.
Unable to connect to Elasticsearch at https://localhost:9200.
The kibana service reports:
Apr 03 08:53:52 kibana-1 kibana[25456]: {“type”:“log”,“@timestamp”:“2018-04-03T08:53:52Z”,“tags”:[“warning”,“elasticsearch”,“admin”],“pid”:25456,“message”:“Unable to revive connection: https://localhost:9200/”}
The issue seems to be related to the searchguard configuration on my nodes or the certificates I generated, I can’t really tell what exactly it is and how to fix it though.
I am using the community version. Will it be possible to use the searchguard plugin for kibana without an enterprise license?
Because according to a previous post the configuration GUI for kibana is a commercial-only feature.
I’d really appreciate any help I can get as I’ve been a little stuck on this for a while.
kibana.yml (4.68 KB)
kibana-1.pem (2.13 KB)
elasticsearch.yml (13 KB)