HI ,
Please be kind to advise
Search Guard and Elasticsearch version : search-guard-2- and ES 2.2.1
Installed and used enterprise modules, if any : NO
JVM version and operating system version :**jdk1.8.0_74 , Linux Server **
Search Guard configuration files
Elasticsearch log messages on debug level : Attached
Other installed Elasticsearch or Kibana plugins, if any : No
We are getting below warning in logs while executing the curl command
[2018-01-05 09:01:07,070][WARN ][com.floragunn.searchguard.configuration.PrivilegesEvaluator] indices:admin/settings/update for searchguard index is not allowed for a regular user
[2018-01-05 09:01:07,072][INFO ][rest.suppressed ] /searchguard/_settings Params: {index=searchguard}
ElasticsearchSecurityException[no permissions for indices:admin/settings/update]
curl -vvv -u admin -k -XPUT ‘https://Abhay:9200/searchguard/_settings’ --tlsv1.2 -d ’ { “index” : {“number_of_replicas” : 0 } }’
Enter host password for user ‘admin’:
About to connect() to Abhay port 9200 (#0)
Connected to Abhay ( port 9200 (#0)
Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
skipping SSL peer certificate verification
NSS: client certificate not found (nickname not specified)
SSL connection using TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Server certificate:
start date: Nov 02 00:00:00 2016 GMT
expire date: Nov 07 12:00:00 2018 GMT
common name: Abhay
issuer: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=xx Inc,C=US
Server auth using Basic with user ‘admin’
PUT /searchguard/_settings HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46QWRtaW4xIQ==
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
Host: Abhay:9200
Accept: /
Content-Length: 42
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- upload completely sent off: 42 out of 42 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 217
- Connection #0 to host Abhay left intact
{“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:“security_exception”,“reason”:“no permissions for indices:admin/settings/update”}],“type”:“security_exception”,“reason”:“no permissions for indices:admin/settings/update”},“status”:403}[root@nlhrl1ccrnn01 sgconfig]#
[2018-01-05 09:01:07,070][WARN ][com.floragunn.searchguard.configuration.PrivilegesEvaluator] indices:admin/settings/update for searchguard index is not allowed for a regular user
[2018-01-05 09:01:07,072][INFO ][rest.suppressed ] /searchguard/_settings Params: {index=searchguard}
ElasticsearchSecurityException[no permissions for indices:admin/settings/update]
ES.log (18.2 KB)
subject: CN=xxx,O=xxx.,L=xx,ST=xx,C=xx